Thursday, January 12, 2017

So I'm eating clean..what does that mean?

So I decided it was time to get back to clean eating...what does all that mean anyway?

Well its simple, I am going to be eating lean proteins, fruits, veggies, healthy fats and healthy carbs. Its really that simple. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, lean beef and tons of veggies and fruits. I add in some healthy fats like hummus, natural pb or almond butter, avocados and oils like evoo and coconut oil. I do not add a lot of the healthy carbs but when I do its sweet potatoes, quinoa and things like a piece of whole wheat toast or whole wheat English Muffins.

I always try to start with the 80/20 Rule which is 80% is clean and 20% is not so clean because I do like to have a handful of goldfish here and there and I do like to have my pretzels with my hummus and carrots as well. As I get better and more into this routine that slowly becomes more like 90/10 and I will get there again I know I will, but I want to live and I want to let myself have these options so I don't feel deprived and then go through a binge and throw all the hard work out the window.

What my day will usually look like is something like this:

                  Morning: Coffee (black with 2 stevia packets) with a banana
eggs either scrambled or fried some days i'll have a chicken sausage with it and an English muffin other days just eggs sautéed with veggies (I always dip in ketchup 80/20 rule right!)

Mid Morning Snack: fruit with a healthy fat

Lunch: Shakeology with spinach water and ice

Mid Afternoon Snack: veggies with a healthy fat like avocado, hummus or guacamole
coffee (always a second cup haha I like coffee)

Dinner: Lean Protein and Veggies and maybe a healthy carb (not everyday)

Night Snack: Tea or water

Water Goal is 100oz EVERYDAY

So that is my goal for my daily food intake, I want accountability and that is why I am writing these things and sharing with you what my plan is because if I am letting others know then my goals will happen for 2017.

So what is your plan for 2017 I would love to know.

Have an awesome day my friends, and check out the recipe I shared below!
Carrie P......

Reach For Fit and always be MIND BODY STRONG


Cauliflower "fried rice" with Chicken:
2 Large Chicken Breasts
1 Bag of Green Giants Riced Veggies (Cauliflower Medley)
1 egg 1 egg white
3 TBSP Lite Soy Sauce (*Could also use Liquid Aminos*)
Garlic Powder
Coconut Oil

1.) Cut chicken into bite sized pieces season with garlic powder and pepper
2.) Cook in a pan with coconut oil until chicken is fully cooked. Remove Chicken set aside
3.) Add in Cauliflower bag with just a touch more coconut oil and cook until veggies are tender
4.) Push aside in pan and pour in your eggs (they should be scrambled up first) once those are cooked add them to the veggie mixture and stir well
5.) Add the Chicken back in and pour in the 3 TBSP of Lite Soy Sauce
6.) Let cook about 5 mins longer until everything is heated all the way through

This is also great for leftovers too!

Monday, December 26, 2016

New Years Resolution or Goals

With 2016 coming to an end very shortly, I can't help but start to think like everyone else. I am ready to say goodbye to 2016 as the year did not go as I had planned or even hoped that it would go in any way shape or form! I am ready to welcome in 2017 with new expectation and a new mindset.

What are my New Years Resolutions going to be? Well this year I am taking a new approach to this RESOLUTIONS thing... I am NOT making resolutions this year.... I am actually NOT making crazy goals either...I am making a commitment to me, my faith, my family and my business in the year 2017. That is what I have decided.

For 2017 the word I am focusing on is COMMITMENT.
Do you have a word or a phrase maybe that you use each year?

I try and try to do so much and focus on so many things that sometimes it all just gets forgotten. I am making a commitment to not just commit to those things but not to get overwhelmed and load to much on my plate or my families but really just focus and COMMIT to what ever we decide together.

So what are some of these "commitments" that I keep talking about ... well not all have been decided yet because I am not sure what they will all be but to start the new year off I have commitment to:

1.) Going to church on Sundays and daily devotions
2.) Starting AND finishing the book "The Gratitude Diaries"
3.) Starting (again) and FINISHING 90 days of Core De Force
4.) Reading to my kids every night
5.) Eating Clean each day with the 80/20 Rule...
my body, mind and heart Deserve that commitment
6.) 100 oz of water each day
7.) Spending time with my husband anytime I can
8.) Committing to the 4 Vital Behaviors of my business
9.) My kids are my #1 over anything else
10.) My home needs my attention daily

This is where I am starting...anything else added to this list will be discussed as a family or at least with my husband and I want 2107 to be calm and focused. I feel like when I add to much to my plate I lose focus on what is actually important and what matters. I spent so much time out of my home and doing things for others that I forgot about me. I forgot about what was important for me to be happy and healthy and my family got the WORST of me. THAT IS NOT FAIR TO THEM OR FOR ME!

So bring on 2017 I am ready and waiting for you!!!!

I hope you all have a very happy new year and I hope to be blogging a lot more in the new year...

love ya all,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Top 5 Favorite Meals

Hello everyone! I wanted to share with you all my top 5 favorite meals!!!! I love cooking and I love even more coming up with creative meals to be healthy!!!
Staples in my seasoning pantry now are: Himalayan pink salt, coconut oil, cracked peppercorn medley. I hope you enjoy I would love some feed back!


Grilled chicken Over Strawberry Spinach Salad:

1 large Chicken Breast (marinated in bag all day in Fat Free Italian Dressing) Grilled and chopped atop salad
Fresh Spinach (2 big handfuls)
3 large Strawberries
2 TBSP Feta Cheese
1 TBSP Chopped Walnuts
2 TBSP Annie's Lite Raspberry Vinagarette

Chicken topped with sautéed onions & tomatoes with Avocado

Coconut oil
Chicken cooked with Wishbone House Italian dry packet sprinkled on each side
Chopped onion and diced Roma tomato
1/4 Avocado

Sautee up the onions and peppers in a pan with Coconut Oil as your side dish....
Cook the Chicken Breast with Coconut oil as well I put water in the pan also and covered it to steam it up and keep it nice and juicy
After your chicken finished cook up the diced onions and when they are just about done (tender) throw in the tomatoes and warm up
Put onions and tomatoes on top of the chicken and then place sliced Avocado on top
Egg scramble with apple chicken sausage

2 Egg Whites
1 Egg
Broccoli Florets
1 Apple Chicken Sausage

Cook the onions, peppers, spinach and broccoli in coconut oil along with chicken sausage cut in half the long way
While that's cooking scramble up your 2 eggs with a little bit of milk
Add eggs right to the pan with veggies (take the chicken sausage out and put on plate)
Cook it up and once done add to your plate and Enjoy! I always use a little bit of ketchup with mine that's your choice!

Filet Mignonette, jumbo shrimp onions and broccoli stir fry (Cooked by my Husband NOT me)

4 oz Filet
5 Jumbo Shrimp
Broccoli Florets
Large Onion sliced big
1/2 juice box (minute maid Mixed Berry)
Celery Salt
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
start by warming up the pan with EVOO add your sliced up Filet (into tips)
Once the steak is about Med Rare add the broccoli and Onions & Half the Juice Box
Let Cook for about 5 mins more add your Shrimp (just to warm it basically)
Once Shrimp is warm turn up the heat and get all juices cooking together and making a good little sauce....
Whala! It's done add to your plate and EAT UP!!!

Baked Haddock with Sauteed Veggies and
Steamed Broccoli

1/2 pd Haddock
Coconut Oil
Peppercorn Medley
Too Tall toms Seasoning

Drizzle the haddock with a tbsp of coconut oil season with peppercorn medley and to tall toms seasoning bake 425 degrees for 20 mins

Sautéed onions garlic tomatoes and spinach in a pan set aside when done 
Steam Broccoli while everything is cooking

Once Haddock is done top with he sautéed veggies add the broccoli and eat up!!! Yum yum yum

Thursday, December 4, 2014

3 Day Refresh Results and Review

3 Day Refresh Result and Review:

Okay so the three days are over and well..... I feel absolutely amazing! That's the first thing I want to say about this! I feel amazing! 
I fell way way way of track that I was losing my way and couldn't get myself back on track! I knew something had to happen so I my team said lets do it right after thanks giving and I asked one of my challengers to do it with me for extra accountability and I am glad I did! 

When I say I was off track I didn't even want to look at myself in the mirror and that is what was bothering me because I don't want to worry about image anymore but that just meant my head was in the wrong place. I was avoiding the scale because I didn't want to see the number that k knew was creeping up up up but it was just a reality that I needed to suck it up, own it and move on! That's what the refresh did for me. 

So here it is this is how it went down and how I felt! 

Day 1: I hated it I told my team I hated it haha! I had the worst headache I was so tired and had a hard time keeping my eyes open all day and yes I was hungry! So I went to bed with the thought.... I'm done I'm not finishing this that's it!

Day 2: woke up to a nice voicemail from my coach saying she felt horrible yesterday too but is feeling alive today so I stopped and said wait a minute.... I feel that way to. No headache, I was ready to conquer the day... I can totally do this! So day 2 went on I followed the plan to a T again. Not starving at all (no I'm not lying) ohhh and the peeing like every 10 mins I felt like I was pregnant again I was cracking up!!!! I was up till 11 pm wide awake! 

Day 3: again feeling amazing but ready for eggs for breakfast I knew I could make it one more day follow the plan and see results! So that's what I did! I took a shower last night out face lotion on and smiled a REAL smile for the first time IN A WHILE! I felt alive! I felt refreshed! I felt like my mind was clear and ready to go!!!! 

Day 4: results day.... I got on the scale this morning and it was worth it all!!!!! I am officially down 8.6lbs in 3 days from the refresh! The bloat is gone I don't feel heavy, tired or weighed down. I am back in full force and I am determined to lose 12 lbs this month, that's how revived I feel!!!! 

So yes this is so worth it, I loved it and I believe in it! I will be doing this 4x a year now! 

Ohhhh and I did promise I would share a picture of my breakfast of eggs today hahaha!!!! I had 1 Apple chicken sausage and 1 egg/2 egg whites all cooked with coconut oil and 1/4 of a red pepper and of course my coffee! But my coffee only had 1 stevia packet in it today and no milk! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

21 Day Fix Week 1

Okay so I told you all I would do a weekly Summary of how my 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and Piyo Workout Journey goes.

So lets start with this.....I will be following the 21 Day fix Meal Plan (I'll post what i eat for the overall week) and doing the Piyo Schedule with 2 days a week Turbo Fire.... I will take Sundays off as my Rest Day.

Here is the complete weeks worth of food:

Day 1: I did Turbo Fire HIIT 25 and I stayed within my portions I was given I am in the 2nd category and my calorie target is about 1600 a day (seems like a lot to me, but I am following the program) I didn't go over my containers in any section but I def missed 1 or 2 in a few :-) I felt good over all..... i was hungry at times but as my coach said it was probably in my head. The one thing i missed was my almond butter i like to just scoop it and eat it anytime during the day hahah and i did feel like i was missing some protein...we will see how i can move things around over the week to see if i can fix that feeling :-) So in the book she suggests drinking your coconut oil vs. cooking it and i can see that because you don't get it all once you cook with it. So instead of adding butter on my 1 slice of toast i spread 1 tsp of Coconut oil right on my hot toast! IT IS AMAZING!!!!! Try it sometime ;-)

Day 1 pics of food:

Day 2: I did PIYO Define Lower today short 19 minute workout and overall felt great even food wise...i just made a couple adjustments on when i ate things and how and it seemed better. Still missing my large spoons of almond butter and peanut butter though! I miss them but i know its probably for the better....

Day 2 pics of food:

Day 3: Exercise was PIYO Define Upper and again only 18 mins long! Love these short ones even though i waited till night time to get it done i knew it was only 18 mins.  As for the food, I wasn't feeling great so i did not pay as much attention. I was definitely within my guidelines but when i was giving my kids a snack I totally ate some goldfish I called those YELLOW I didn't know what else to do haha. Then for supper i usually use a Yogurt Ranch dressing I love but tonight i decided to make my own and it was wonderful finished fill up my red container and I was good to go!

Day 3 pics of food:
Taco Salad went like this: 2 cups of lettuce tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage mix, 1/2 cup 95% lean hamburg, then for the dressing i too 1.5 TBSP of plain greek yogurt and mixed it with 1 TBSP of salsa....PERFECT AND FIX APPROVED!!!!
1 Red, 2 Greens, 1 TBSP of Purple
Day 4: Exercise was PIYO Sweat I love this one too its 35 mins but man it gives you such a good workout! As for my food i kept it similar to day 3 i like to eat leftovers and its cheaper that way too...Yes goldfish again but i accounted for them! 

Day 4 pics of food

Day 5: Actually did not do a workout today i was not feeling well hence the little amount of food. But I chose to double up on my shakes for the year fact that they taste great on my throat and i wanted to extra nutrients to feel better:
Day 5 pics of food:

Day 6: Today i did PIYO Define Lower i am feeling great my legs are sore and my abs feel tight! Gosh i love this program! I do not have pictures of my food for today i was too busy scrambling around trying to get chores done and get ready for a family party later in the day. I should have though because i think it would have kept me a bit more accountable to what I ate. I missed a few container and had a few more containers than I should have on 1 or 2 of them. All in all though it was an okay day......

Day 7: REST DAY for me :-) Sunday is almost always going to be a rest day unless I miss to many days in the week. Family day, football day thats the focus. Today was a pretty good day on the plan i was feeling little weak so i really upped my water intake and it surely helped.  I again was a bit off my food containers but plan to really stay on track on the weekends for week 2. My fridge if fully stocked and its ready to go for this week. 

My food prep has begun and i can't wait to conquer week 2 100% 
WEEK 1 RESULTS: Down 2.6lbs

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My PIYO review and results

Well I'm not sure where to start really. I truly loved this program I did not think I could love anything more than turbo fire and this has to be very close to my soul workout :-). What an amazing experience, my body has change in so many ways. I am stronger mentally and physically. I am seeing some serious definition in my arms and in my legs and my core seems tighter as well. I do believe if I would have been more strict with my nutrition I would have seen a whole different change in my core! I did follow her meal plan for 2 weeks to see how it was and it was making but honestly I just wanted to go back to my eating clean and not measuring anything. 

Lots of people asked me do you think PIYO is really going to work???? I say YES!!! It's whole new way to work your body without any weights and without any high impact and if you know me you know my feet have thanked me for the last 8/9 weeks :-). I couldn't believe how sweaty I was I was literally dripping on my mat during some of the workouts and um hello no high impact.... WHAT! Chalene is an amazing trainer and she knows what she is doing. 

I loved seeing pictures I would take during the workouts because each week I was literally seeing a change  in some part of my body. I really noticed a change in my arms it was crazy. I was thankful it was tank top season because boy was I a proud mama to be able to wear a tank top and be comfortable with how my arms looked! 

So here they are.... Here are my results for my first round of PIYO I lost about 2 pant sizes (from a loose 14 tight 12 to a comfortable 10 tight 8) and I went down 1 shirt size. I lost 6lbs and 12" overall AMAZING! I can not wait to continue on, next up for me..... A hybrid workout with Turbo Fire and PIYO :-) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Finding Your Why

So let's talk about Your Why! 

This topic is so important because it is going to be something so very important. This thing, this why is what is going to drive you to reach your goals and your dreams. You might think you know what it is but I am going to challenge you to dig a little deeper! 

I remember when I first started out I sat with my coach and we started talking about why I wanted to loss weight and stuff and why I wanted to coach. I said "I need to get healthy" she said "well that's a great start but dig deeper, why do you want to get healthy?" 
I had to stop and think, I couldn't respond right away I wanted to get this question right! 
She said " it needs to be attached to something emotional, something so deep that every time you think of it it's going to push you, it's going to deter you from the bad choices and help you make the right ones!" 
Well finally I got it right and do you know how I know I got it right??? EVERYTIME I think of it or talk about it I cry! I cry because I know when I reach those goals it's going to be so amazing and so freeing and so well .... just amazing!!!! I am crying just writing this post! 

My why is this:
I want to be the happiest, healthiest momma around. I want my kids to see what it is like to be living a healthy lifestyle and make those same choices for themselves. I want to run around with them and be an active mom, not just sit on the couch. I want to be the best wife possible who has her confidence back. Who is ready to explore the world if you must with my husband. (They say a happy wife happy life right) I also want to really be able to help my family financially and take some of the burden off my hard working husband who works his butt off so I can be home with the kids. I want to be able to have stress free vacations, fun Fridays with the kids and not worry about where the money is coming from! 


I want that for you too. I want you to figure out YOUR WHY and start working towards your goals you have. Talk to me let's determine your why and let's get moving! 

I hope you all have a wonderful day today!!!


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