Thursday, January 12, 2017

So I'm eating clean..what does that mean?

So I decided it was time to get back to clean eating...what does all that mean anyway?

Well its simple, I am going to be eating lean proteins, fruits, veggies, healthy fats and healthy carbs. Its really that simple. I eat a lot of eggs, chicken, lean beef and tons of veggies and fruits. I add in some healthy fats like hummus, natural pb or almond butter, avocados and oils like evoo and coconut oil. I do not add a lot of the healthy carbs but when I do its sweet potatoes, quinoa and things like a piece of whole wheat toast or whole wheat English Muffins.

I always try to start with the 80/20 Rule which is 80% is clean and 20% is not so clean because I do like to have a handful of goldfish here and there and I do like to have my pretzels with my hummus and carrots as well. As I get better and more into this routine that slowly becomes more like 90/10 and I will get there again I know I will, but I want to live and I want to let myself have these options so I don't feel deprived and then go through a binge and throw all the hard work out the window.

What my day will usually look like is something like this:

                  Morning: Coffee (black with 2 stevia packets) with a banana
eggs either scrambled or fried some days i'll have a chicken sausage with it and an English muffin other days just eggs sautéed with veggies (I always dip in ketchup 80/20 rule right!)

Mid Morning Snack: fruit with a healthy fat

Lunch: Shakeology with spinach water and ice

Mid Afternoon Snack: veggies with a healthy fat like avocado, hummus or guacamole
coffee (always a second cup haha I like coffee)

Dinner: Lean Protein and Veggies and maybe a healthy carb (not everyday)

Night Snack: Tea or water

Water Goal is 100oz EVERYDAY

So that is my goal for my daily food intake, I want accountability and that is why I am writing these things and sharing with you what my plan is because if I am letting others know then my goals will happen for 2017.

So what is your plan for 2017 I would love to know.

Have an awesome day my friends, and check out the recipe I shared below!
Carrie P......

Reach For Fit and always be MIND BODY STRONG


Cauliflower "fried rice" with Chicken:
2 Large Chicken Breasts
1 Bag of Green Giants Riced Veggies (Cauliflower Medley)
1 egg 1 egg white
3 TBSP Lite Soy Sauce (*Could also use Liquid Aminos*)
Garlic Powder
Coconut Oil

1.) Cut chicken into bite sized pieces season with garlic powder and pepper
2.) Cook in a pan with coconut oil until chicken is fully cooked. Remove Chicken set aside
3.) Add in Cauliflower bag with just a touch more coconut oil and cook until veggies are tender
4.) Push aside in pan and pour in your eggs (they should be scrambled up first) once those are cooked add them to the veggie mixture and stir well
5.) Add the Chicken back in and pour in the 3 TBSP of Lite Soy Sauce
6.) Let cook about 5 mins longer until everything is heated all the way through

This is also great for leftovers too!