Monday, December 26, 2016

New Years Resolution or Goals

With 2016 coming to an end very shortly, I can't help but start to think like everyone else. I am ready to say goodbye to 2016 as the year did not go as I had planned or even hoped that it would go in any way shape or form! I am ready to welcome in 2017 with new expectation and a new mindset.

What are my New Years Resolutions going to be? Well this year I am taking a new approach to this RESOLUTIONS thing... I am NOT making resolutions this year.... I am actually NOT making crazy goals either...I am making a commitment to me, my faith, my family and my business in the year 2017. That is what I have decided.

For 2017 the word I am focusing on is COMMITMENT.
Do you have a word or a phrase maybe that you use each year?

I try and try to do so much and focus on so many things that sometimes it all just gets forgotten. I am making a commitment to not just commit to those things but not to get overwhelmed and load to much on my plate or my families but really just focus and COMMIT to what ever we decide together.

So what are some of these "commitments" that I keep talking about ... well not all have been decided yet because I am not sure what they will all be but to start the new year off I have commitment to:

1.) Going to church on Sundays and daily devotions
2.) Starting AND finishing the book "The Gratitude Diaries"
3.) Starting (again) and FINISHING 90 days of Core De Force
4.) Reading to my kids every night
5.) Eating Clean each day with the 80/20 Rule...
my body, mind and heart Deserve that commitment
6.) 100 oz of water each day
7.) Spending time with my husband anytime I can
8.) Committing to the 4 Vital Behaviors of my business
9.) My kids are my #1 over anything else
10.) My home needs my attention daily

This is where I am starting...anything else added to this list will be discussed as a family or at least with my husband and I want 2107 to be calm and focused. I feel like when I add to much to my plate I lose focus on what is actually important and what matters. I spent so much time out of my home and doing things for others that I forgot about me. I forgot about what was important for me to be happy and healthy and my family got the WORST of me. THAT IS NOT FAIR TO THEM OR FOR ME!

So bring on 2017 I am ready and waiting for you!!!!

I hope you all have a very happy new year and I hope to be blogging a lot more in the new year...

love ya all,