Thursday, December 4, 2014

3 Day Refresh Results and Review

3 Day Refresh Result and Review:

Okay so the three days are over and well..... I feel absolutely amazing! That's the first thing I want to say about this! I feel amazing! 
I fell way way way of track that I was losing my way and couldn't get myself back on track! I knew something had to happen so I my team said lets do it right after thanks giving and I asked one of my challengers to do it with me for extra accountability and I am glad I did! 

When I say I was off track I didn't even want to look at myself in the mirror and that is what was bothering me because I don't want to worry about image anymore but that just meant my head was in the wrong place. I was avoiding the scale because I didn't want to see the number that k knew was creeping up up up but it was just a reality that I needed to suck it up, own it and move on! That's what the refresh did for me. 

So here it is this is how it went down and how I felt! 

Day 1: I hated it I told my team I hated it haha! I had the worst headache I was so tired and had a hard time keeping my eyes open all day and yes I was hungry! So I went to bed with the thought.... I'm done I'm not finishing this that's it!

Day 2: woke up to a nice voicemail from my coach saying she felt horrible yesterday too but is feeling alive today so I stopped and said wait a minute.... I feel that way to. No headache, I was ready to conquer the day... I can totally do this! So day 2 went on I followed the plan to a T again. Not starving at all (no I'm not lying) ohhh and the peeing like every 10 mins I felt like I was pregnant again I was cracking up!!!! I was up till 11 pm wide awake! 

Day 3: again feeling amazing but ready for eggs for breakfast I knew I could make it one more day follow the plan and see results! So that's what I did! I took a shower last night out face lotion on and smiled a REAL smile for the first time IN A WHILE! I felt alive! I felt refreshed! I felt like my mind was clear and ready to go!!!! 

Day 4: results day.... I got on the scale this morning and it was worth it all!!!!! I am officially down 8.6lbs in 3 days from the refresh! The bloat is gone I don't feel heavy, tired or weighed down. I am back in full force and I am determined to lose 12 lbs this month, that's how revived I feel!!!! 

So yes this is so worth it, I loved it and I believe in it! I will be doing this 4x a year now! 

Ohhhh and I did promise I would share a picture of my breakfast of eggs today hahaha!!!! I had 1 Apple chicken sausage and 1 egg/2 egg whites all cooked with coconut oil and 1/4 of a red pepper and of course my coffee! But my coffee only had 1 stevia packet in it today and no milk! 

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