Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Time Favorites

I haven't blogged in a while and things have been crazy around here getting ready for the holidays and trying to keep up with the kids and my family! 
But it is the holidays and I just love Christmas and Christmas Traditions so why not chat about that!  Some traditions I have carried over from my growing up and some we have created as a new family together. Do you have traditions you have continued to do with your family and your kids? 

My favorite is getting a new ornament every year. I still love looking at the ornaments I got when I was my kids age up until I moved out on my own. Each one has a special memory that I know of when I hang it up on the tree and I can't wait for that to happen for my kids as well. Of the many traditions I am keeping up and I am especially proud to say that we as a family have started a new one and that is making a birthday cake for Jesus...after all he is the reason for the season right!!! Let's not forget that. When I was talking about Christmas with Vitto he was so excited that Santa was coming we make sure to remind him that it is Jesus' Birthday, well he said he is very important, we need to make him a birthday there you have it....a new tradition in our house!!!

I also love to watch all the Christmas movies on Lifetime, Hallmark Channel, ABC's 25 days of Christmas and the Gospel Movie Channel as well...they are so uplifting and honestly just so peaceful to watch, they just make me so happy!  I have been watching a lot of shows with the kids too Vitto is all about Mickey's Twice Upon A Christmas and we finally got to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Frosty this year! He actually stayed awake for the whole thing.

What are some of your favorite Christmas Movies and Favorite Movies for the Kids during the holidays?

Well that is all for now...I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

New blog series to come in can follow me as I conquer my goals and my journey doing Body Combat starting January1st!!!!

Until Next Time!

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