Thursday, October 25, 2012

Taking on a new Role..

I haven't blogged in a while because so much has been going on.  I have decided to take a very important role and that is of being not only a mom but being a HEALTHY MOM! As I approached the final decision I talked with my husband and told him this has to be done, it's time to change. Without the full support of him and my kids I wouldn't be doing what I am doing now!  My little Vitto is cheering me on everyday while I workout during Ava's naps. He is a trooper but makes me laugh as he lays under me during pushups (really buddy ;-) ).

I started a 10 day challenge in August with my friend and now coach Karri! Boy did that open up a can of worms.  I fell in love with the product and jumped right in. 

I started drinking Shakeology and saw instant results and results that are continually going in the same direction....DOWN! So I signed up to be a beach body coach. My first goal was just to get the discount on the shakes but now it's not just for the discount it's to hopefully inspire others by what I am doing! 
What an awesome feeling!!!I have always loved coaching and I have been itching to get back to it. This certainly is one way of jumping back in...The group of people I am with are amazing and so inspiring it has made me feel like I am on TEAM again and I feel like I am help accountable for my actions!  If I don't work out that day everyone is going to know because you feel like you need to say something!  Have missed workouts happened .... Yes of course.... but not very often because everyone is so motivating you want to work out, you want to see results!

What workouts have i committed to?...INSANITY...what an amazing workout!  60 days of well, PURE INSANITY!!!Shaun T is so motivating when you want to give up he yells..YOU'VE GOT THIS...DIG DEEPER! How can you not? 

I recently did my first walking 5K in 10 years (last one was in college) and let me tell you I wasn't thinking! Who signs up for a 5k up a mountain for their first one! Yup that would be me :-) But I did it! I have to thank my sister in law for doing it with me and pushing me through the entire way, I wouldn't have finished as strong with out her pushing me!  I also heard Shaun T yelling in my head too DIG DEEPER CARRIE DIG DEEPER!!!!

I've created a 'like' page on Facebook in hopes that what I am doing will help someone else along the way as many pages like this have helped me...If you haven't seen it or even 'liked' it please do and share with your friends and family.

All these little accomplishments are so fullfilling and motiving leaving me with the thought...what is next?? When is the next race??? What is the next challenge?  Who else wants to inspire someone else? I can't wait to share more with you guys....I hope that I can inspire someone just like the people who are my life are inspiring me everyday!

Who in your life is inspiring you?  Are you ready to inspire someone else? 
You CAN, You WILL, You ARE!!!
Until next Time :-)

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